How To Add Remarketing Tag In Google Adwords

Remarketing is a powerful advertising strategy that allows businesses to reach previous website visitors and show them targeted ads when they browse Google partner websites, search ads or apps. Adding the remarketing tag to your website is essential to successfully implementing your remarketing campaign. This article shows you how to add the remarketing tag to Google AdWords in different ways.

Table of Contents

Understanding Remarketing Tags

A remarketing tag is a small snippet of code provided by Google AdWords that needs to be placed on your website. This code helps track user activity and enables you to serve personalized ads to individuals who have shown interest in your products or services.

You know there are many benefit of adding remarketing tag of google adword on website

so now we will see different ways to add Google AdWords remarketing tag

How To Add Remarketing Tag In Google Adwords By Direct Code

Follow below steps to add your remarketing tag:

  1. Click on the “Tools & Settings” icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Under the “Shared Library” section, select “Audience Manager.”
  3. Click on the “Your Data Sources” tab.
  4. Select “Details” on the Google ads tag.
  5. Scroll down and select Tag Set up.
  6. After that you will have three option, out of which select “Install the tag yourself”

Then you will see code like below

Google Remarketing tag example image of  blog "How To Add Remarketing Tag In Google Adwords"

7.Copy this code and past in between <head></head> tags of every page of your website.

if you want to collect user information for only some pages,then you don’t need to install this code to every page of your can install on particular pages

How To Add Remarketing Tag In Google Adwords By Google Tag Manager

Follow below steps to add your remarketing tag:

  1. Click on the “Tools & Settings” icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Under the “Shared Library” section, select “Audience Manager.”
  3. Click on the “Your Data Sources” tab.
  4. Select “Details” on the Google ads tag.
  5. Scroll down and select Tag Set up.
  6. After that, you will have three options, out of which select “Use Google Tag Manager”

Google Remarketing tag by google tag manager

Remember this conversion id that shown in the above image

8.Go to Google tag manager

9. Click on “Create Accounts”

10. Fill Details following details on the “Add a New Account” Page

  • Account Name
  • Country
  • Container Name
  • Target Platform (like Web,Ios, Android,AMP, and Server)

Then click Create

After that Accept data processing terms and conditions and click on “Yes”

10. After Click on Yes, You will ask to past code in the header section of every page of your website

below is a screenshot of code that will look alike

GTM code example

11. After Past GTM code in the header of your website, you need to click on “Tag”

12. Click on the tag to create a Conversion linker tag, give the name “Conversion linker” and then choose tag type conversion linker and select triggers “all page views”

13. After clicking on a tag, You need to give a Name like Remarketing tag

google ad Remarketing tag name

14. click on the tag type

tag configuration for remarketing google ads

15. Select “Google ads Remarketing”

16. After that Copy and Paste the Conversion id that we got in the 6th our example, it is “10825769573”

17. Now click on the trigger and select “All Pages View”

18. Now Save

After that, you will see the following window

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A remarketing tag is a piece of code placed on a website that allows companies to track user activity and show targeted advertising to visitors who have previously interacted with their website. Tags help build brand recall and allow businesses to deliver personalized ads to potential customers.

Yes, you can add the remarketing tag to specific pages on your website. This can be useful if you want to target users who have shown interest in a specific product or service. By tagging specific pages, you can create more personalized remarketing campaigns.

Google Tag Manager (GTM) provides a convenient way to manage the different tags on your website. By using GTM, you can centrally control and deploy alerts without directly modifying your site’s code. It provides flexibility and simplifies the installation and management of many tags, including remarketing tags.

To verify remarketing tag installation, you can open your site in a browser and view the page source or inspect the element. Find the remarketing tag code in the HTML source code. Make sure the tag code is present and is placed exactly above the closing tag.

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